Build the Ripple Effect of Mentorship

About Build the Ripple Effect of Mentorship

Many of us have had a mentor in our life. A parent to guide us when the path is not clear. A coach to challenge us when we are faced with adversity. A friend to show us empathy when we feel lost and alone. 

"When you truly love life and people, you start a ripple effect that changes the life of another.. who in turn changes the life of another.. until one person and ripple at a time, the world is changed"

The hallmark of strong mentorship is the ripple effect it pours into the world: We invest in one person and they invest in others.

Big Brothers Big Sisters generates this ripple effect, causing real, generational change in our communities. In honor of the impact mentors have had in your life and the lives of those around you, support mentorship programming at Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Unfortunately, thousands of youth take life head on without someone to help show them the way. Let's change that.

Help us achieve our goal of $25,000 to be gifted in January, National Mentoring Month. Extend the ripple effect that the mentors in your life have started.


Starts at:  October 29, 2019 11:00 AM
Ends at:  January 31, 2020 10:59 PM




Ryan Love

The hallmark of a strong mentoring relationship is the ripple effect: We invest in one person, and they invest in others.  Big Brothers Big Sisters generates this ripple effect that creates real, generational change in our communities. 

Support our Campaign

Hi, I'm Angela Petro.

I’ve been the beneficiary of strong, formal mentoring that has transformed my leadership style and in turn, transformed the leaders on my team. Most recently, Kerri Anderson - a wholehearted supporter of Big Brothers Big Sisters - invested in me at a time when I was at a crossroads. She shared her wisdom and experience and because of her, I could show up as a leader every day for the people who needed me.

In honor of National Mentoring Month, and in honor of the mentorship that Kerrii gifted to me, we're striving to present a gift of $25,000 to Big Brothers Big Sisters by January of 2020.

I’m giving because I want to honor a mentor that made an impact in my life - and to extend that impact to others.

Who invested in you? How can you help extend their ripple effect?

Mentoring Works

At Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio, our mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. We partner with parents, families, volunteers, companies, schools and others in the community to unleash and defend the potential of each child. 

Founded in 1933, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio is a strategic force for social change. Each day we enhance communities by supporting our matches every step of the way to help all youth achieve their full potential.

At Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio, our mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. We partner with parents, families, volunteers, companies, schools and others in the community to unleash and defend the potential of each child. 

Founded in 1933, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio is a strategic force for social change. Each day we enhance communities by supporting our matches every step of the way to help all youth achieve their full potential.