A Leader is described as "the ability to lead other people." In of the world of Polar Plunges, a leader is described a person with a great sense of humor, who doesn't take no for an answer and believes totally in the powers of persuasion.
Probably your biggest hurdle is to get people to stop running in fear from you when you invite them to join you for this epic adventure (and believe us, it will be). Let's face it, the thought of running into chilly water in the middle of winter is probably not too appealing to many people. Well, that is their first mistake. It's not a swim at all. It is a quick run in and out of the water, then off to the party they go!
In fact, if people balk at that, you can let them know that they can register as a chicken and be excused from putting even one tootsie in the water if they don't want to get wet. Now that you've captured their attention, here are some tips on how to recruit your team and get them motivated and excited to raise funds for Special Olympics!
As people join your team:
Have fun!