Q: What do I need to know if I am diving in the Shark Tank?
A: Wetsuits are provided for each participant to wear while diving. Divers will change into them right before they get into the water and take them off after the dive. The tank temperature averages about 68 degrees sometimes a little cooler so the wetsuits will help keep divers warm. Divers are in the wetsuit for 30-45 minutes total including dive time. A clean (white) t-shirt that does not emit any dye can be worn over the wetsuit for the dive.
All divers in the cage (up to 2 guests at a time and one Dive Instructor) as well as the dive tender upstairs can all talk to each other, however guests on the outside of the tank watching cannot communicate with those in the cage. Guests can hear the divers in the shark tunnel, but the shape of the tunnel along with guests having side conversations or cheering on divers may make it challenging to hear. If guests want to hear divers, it is encouraged that the people in the tunnel be quiet during the dive itself.
Dives generally run 15-20-minutes but for our Shark Tank Showdown, each dive will run about 5-6 minutes to allow for the multiple dives that will be taking place.
The dive is done in steps. Divers will be brought part way down first to let them test the masks and equipment and make sure they are comfortable before fully submerging into the tank. The dive instructor will be in the cage at all times for the safety of the divers. They are there should the divers need them.
Please note: Divers cannot consume any alcohol before the dive. Divers should bring any clothing, products, makeup, etc. they will need after the dive since they will be fully submerged and might want to freshen up.