Sled for RED 2020

Sledding Derby Rules

Here are the 8 simple rules:

  1. Only regular cardboard, duct tape, masking tape, scotch tape and paint may be used to construct the cardboard sleds.

  2. Only corrugated cardboard may be used - no industrial pressed cardboard, no plastics of any kind.

  3. Sled can't be wrapped in plastic material.

  4. Sleds must have a front, rear, bottom, and two sides.

  5. No wood, glue, industrial adhesives, staples, ropes, twine or wire will be permitted on the sled.

  6. Keep designs family-friendly. No profanity.

  7. Sled pilot MUST wear a helmet. Four Seasons has them for rent if you don't have your own.

  8. Pilot, Pusher, and sled ONLY are allowed at the hill top during the derby.