One in five women in the United States experienced completed or attempted rape during their lifetime. Nearly a quarter (24.8%) of men in the U.S. experienced some form of contact sexual violence in their lifetime (National Sexual Violence Resource Center).
Myth: Women commonly or routinely lie about rape
Truth: The prevalence of false reporting for sexual assault crimes is low — between two percent and 10 percent (National Sexual Violence Resource Center)
Myth: What the victim is wearing can lead to a sexual assault, or that rape is the victim's fault if they wore revealing clothes.
Truth: Not at all. In reality, sexual violence is not about sex. If a person is wearing sweats or skirt it does not make a difference, because sexual assault is about exerting power and control over another person.
Myth: Most rapes are committed by strangers.
Truth: About half (51.1%) of female victims of rape reported being raped by an intimate partner and 40.8% by an acquaintance. (National Sexual Violence Resource Center)
Myth: It is impossible to rape one's wife or intimate partner
Truth: Rape (any nonconsensual sexual intercourse) between non-spouses has always been illegal. However, until 1975, every state had a "marital exemption" that allowed a husband to rape his wife without fear of legal consequences.
Myth: That "real" victims report rape immediately.
Truth: In reality, victims often do not report rapes immediately due to societal pressure, possible backlash, and trauma such as rape related post-traumatic stress disorder, also known as rape trauma syndrome. Victims of rape may also feel feelings of guilt and shame which deter them from reporting the crime, or doing so promptly.
What is the Start by Believing campaign?
Start By Believing is a public awareness campaign launched by End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI) in April 2011. It was created to end the cycle of silence and change the way society responds to sexual assault. Start by Believing reaches friends and family members, as well as professionals who interact with sexual assault survivors. The campaign focuses specifically on changing the response to a disclosure of sexual assault victimization by expressing belief and support, rather than doubt, shame, or blame. For more information or to take the Start By Believing pledge, visit
Why do we need to Start By Believing?
Historically, sexual assault victims have often faced reactions of doubt and blame when they reported the crime or reached out for help. These reactions can increase the trauma victims experience and decrease the likelihood they will pursue justice and healing. When someone has been sexually assaulted, if the response to their disclosure is disbelief or blame, this can increase the trauma of the assault and decrease the likelihood that the victim will report to law enforcement or seek other services, such as medical care. On the other hand, victims who are treated with respect and whose accounts are taken seriously will often feel more comfortable reporting or seeking additional help.
Start By Believing Campaign (Take the Pledge)
Why is Sojourner Center involved with the Start By Believing campaign and sexual violence advocacy?
As a long-standing pioneer in the domestic violence community, Sojourner Center is aware that at the intersection of domestic violence and sexual assault lies the shared issue of oppression through power and control. Over the years, Sojourner Center has listened to the needs of the community and expanded programming to better support survivors who have experienced sexual violence. In response, we are enhancing sexual violence services through increased staff capacity, training, increased service delivery and public awareness. Sojourner Center's Community Outreach Program Sexual Violence Services will focus on support and healing through advocacy, case management, support groups, crisis line support and medical accompaniment.