Hope for Hosting supporting The Sacred Portion Children's Outreach

The Sacred Portion Children’s Outreach Hosting Program brings orphans from Colombia or Philippines to stay with host families in the US for three to four weeks during the summer or winter months. This is a great opportunity for children to experience American culture and life outside of an institution, and for families to experience hosting an older child from another country. Most importantly, this is an opportunity for orphans to experience the love of a family. By opening their hearts and their homes to older orphans, host families develop a profound sense of compassion, patience, and understanding. What better gifts are there to give to an orphan or to your own family? Many families who are considering adopting an older child find that hosting is a great opportunity for them to get to know a child and experience the dynamics of the child in their family. While many of the host families do decide to adopt the child that they hosted there are many other families who host to advocate for the child to connect to a forever family. Whether families are hosting to adopt or hosting to advocate, all families should be committed to advocating on behalf of their host child if they do not pursue adoption. An amazing 75% of the children who are hosted through our hosting programs have found their forever families because of the hosting experience. These children may never have been adopted or even had the opportunity to be adopted if it were not for the hosting program. Hosting is an amazing life changing experience for the children being hosted, but also for the families that host them!
Hope for Hosting is a fundraiser set up to specifically help host families cover the costs of hosting a child and to help SPCO fund the program. The Colombian government covers the cost of preparation and international airfare for the children for our upcoming Winter of Hope hosting program. SPCO's costs include in-country airfare for the children and chaperones, medical travel insurance and administrative costs. Host families are charged a fee of $1,900 to cover these costs. However, they have an opportunity to reduce their hosting fee by participating in the Hope for Hosting fundraiser organized by The Sacred Portion Children's Outreach. Each family hosting in our upcoming Winter of Hope program has formed their own team and gathered their friends and families to help them in their journey.
The funds raised through Hope for Hosting are provided to the host families in the form of scholarships to reduce their hosting fees. All excess funds will go towards future hosting programs and families. Donations can be made towards specific families or towards the hosting program in general. We would love your support and participation as we spread hope for the orphans finding their forever families!
This winter Sacred Portion is partnering with Columbia! Our goal is to bring 10 children to the states in December.
Columbia has very Catholic roots, as a result people in Columbia love to celebrate Christmas!
For many of the children in our hosting program, it will be their first time hearing the gospel of Christ.
The native language in Columbia is Spanish. Though most of the children know some English.
Some families host in hopes of adopting and others host to advocate the child's adoption within their community.
Columbia is #3 in the world for coffee production. It is not unusual for kids to enjoy the taste of coffee.
Many of the children participating in the hosting program have never seen snow before.
Columbia is a very colorful country! The people often dress in bright colors to mimic the beautiful scenery around them.
Thank you for your Support!