2023 Summit Challenge


All riders should pick up their packets on Friday, August 25th at the sports fields parking lot below the National Ability Center (600 Gillmor Way, Park City, UT 84060) from 7:30 am – 10:30 am OR 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm. Packet pick up will be a drive-thru.

Riders may also pick up their packet on Saturday, August 26th beginning at 6:00 am. Please allow 45 minutes before your ride to park, pick up your packet and get to the starting line. Refer to our ride day parking map, if you need information about where to park or pick up your packet.


The event village will be open from 11:00am – 4:00pm. Vendor tents, music and food will be available for all riders and spectators. Riders will receive a free lunch and drink ticket and additional tickets will be on sale for all spectators. The Discovery Loop – a one mile ride beginning and ending at the NAC, will begin at 1:00pm. Everyone is welcome to participate. Bring your bike, scooter or feet for a short fun loop around beautiful Quinn’s Junction.

Enjoy lunch and a beer while reliving your ride stories with your friends. We will be spinning tunes throughout the afternoon with fun giveaways and we will announce the winners of our fundraising competition! 


Riders who will not make a cutoff time can choose to be driven forward to the next rest stop and continue pedaling, can be shuttled to the finish, or can surrender their number and continue to pedal, but with the understanding that they no longer have SAG Vehicle or Rest Stop support.

Cut-off Times:

Tuhaye: 8:00 am
Wolf Creek Ranch: 10:00 am
Midway: 12:00 pm
Victory Ranch: 1:30 pm
Kamas: 2:15 pm
Peoa: 3:15 pm


Day of packet pickup is available beginning at 6:00am. It is a drive through system and you will get your packet at the sports fields parking lot below the National Ability Center (600 Gillmor Way, Park City, UT 84060). Then get ready for your ride at the starting line at the NAC. Bike tunes will be available. Grab any last minute information on who you are riding for at the NAC outreach tent. We can’t wait to see you!

Dispatch Phone Number for On-Course Needs: 435.631.0057


Friday, August 25th:

7:30am- 10:30am and 4pm-7pm: Early Drive Thru Registration Check In & Packet Pick Up

Location: Sports Field Parking Lot below the NAC (600 Gillmor Way, Park City, UT 84060)

Saturday, August 26th

6:00 AM: Drive Thru Registration Check In & Packet Pick Up Opens

Location: Sports Field Parking Lot below the NAC  (600 Gillmor Way, Park City, UT 84060)

11:00 AM: Event Village Opens

2:30 PM: Awards 

4:00 PM: Event Village and Course Close


7:00 AM: 100 Mile Start

7:30 AM: 80 Mile Start

8:00 AM: 50 Mile Start

8:30 AM: 4 and 7 Mile Adaptive Start

9:30 AM: 16 & 25 Mile Start

1:00 PM: Discovery Loop Start



All adaptive riders ride free and must register in advance. National Ability Center staff will also be on hand the day of the ride to answer questions & help you get ready to ride.

New in 2023, adaptive riders can choose any of the routes 16-100 miles, and we have also created new 4 and 7 mile routes.


Are you bringing your own buddy rider? Do you need a buddy rider?

A buddy rider is a volunteer who will ride alongside you for the duration of the ride. If you need the National Ability Center to provide a buddy rider, please contact the NAC Volunteer Team at  volunteer@discovernac.org to talk about options.

Please place your request for a buddy rider at least two weeks in advance. Requests within two weeks of the ride may not be able to be accommodated.



Riders are required to follow the rules of the road. All traffic lights, stop signs and right-of-ways are to be obeyed. Helmets are required to participate and riding with headphones or ear buds is not allowed. 

Riders are allowed to ride 2 abreast at any time. Riders are required to single file on SR 32.

“Safety Riders” (volunteer cyclists) will ride each route to ensure that cyclists are following the rules of the road and to help if there are any issues on course. Sag Wagons will also be patrolling the course to help anyone in need.

The course will close at 4:00pm. Cyclists must complete the course in the allotted time or they will be picked up by a SAG wagon. Cut off times throughout the course will also be in effect. Please see Route Information for specific information.


In the case of inclement weather while on the NAC campus, please seek shelter immediately in the administration building, equestrian building, or the HUB in the center of campus. Remain there until an NAC staff member announces it is safe to leave the building. 

If lightning is seen while on the course, we highly recommend you seek immediate shelter and remain there until you have not seen lightning for 30 minutes. As a reminder, this is a ride, not a race. Please prioritize safety. NAC staff members will be communicating with SAG drivers and rest stop hosts in the event of inclement weather.

If there is lightning or other severe weather before any of the posted start times, we will hold for 30 minutes before starting the next group. Please check the home page of the Summit Challenge website for any updates to start times the day of the event. 

Dispatch Phone Number for On-Course Needs: 435.649.3991


There is plenty of parking surrounding the NAC for all riders and spectators. We do suggest carpooling as the closer lots fill up quickly. Walking paths connect lots that are further from the starting line. Limited parking will be permitted in the lots below the National Ability Center, at Quinn’s Junction, and in the dirt lot across from the soccer fields. Parking attendants will be present to facilitate parking the day of the event. There is NO event parking allowed at the Ice Arena or the Dog Park lots.

Parking at National Ability Center Ranch (1000 Ability Way Park City, UT 84060) is reserved for those that require ADA parking. Please follow adaptive parking signs and parking attendants to direct you to the correct parking lot. 

Accessible parking will be available at the NAC main lot (located in front of the Admin Building and Lodge). A volunteer at the gravel lot will allow people with ADA needs through to park up the back entrance. No parking pass will be required this year.

Please see map below for all other parking locations. Please note that packet pickup will be at the Athletic fields, not at the NAC starting line.