Top Hat Ball Upside Down

Tips & Tricks to help you along your fundraising journey!

1) Build your pageMake it personal. Set a goal, share your story and upload some fun photos!

2) Make the first donation. Show your commitment and determination by making that first gift.

3) Send emails or personal messages to your inner circle. Don't doubt the generosity of others, especially those close to you. Individuals are more likely to give to a charity when their family or friends are involved.

4) Share and fundraise through your social media outlets. Use #Tophatballupsidedown to stay connected. 

5) Does your company have a matching gift program? Make an impact with your workplace and double your donation.

6) Send thank you notes. Express how grateful you are for your donors generosity and support. 

Questions? Contact Stephanie Myers at (630) 593-5473 or