Dan Deeble

Dan Deeble

I am raising money to play in our 3rd Annual “Wiffle Ball At The Hollow” event! This year, all net proceeds go towards an incredible cause: supporting our military veterans and first responders who suffer from PTSD through THE BATTLE WITHIN*, a not-for-profit community that seeks to support these men and women in their new battle for health, healing, wholeness, and restored relationships. Your donation goes directly to that— saving lives, marriages, families, and vastly increases their ability to serve our communities well!

And, yes, you probably know that I’m kinda a Wiffle freak and the self-proclaimed “COMMISH” of KC WIFFLE. True. True indeed. One of our mottos is “PLAY WIFFLE, SAVE THE WORLD”. Mashing some plastic on June 14th/15th is just one way we’re doing it.

So would you join me financially in this cause if...

- You want to care for our veterans and first responders!

- You love this event and want to keep the Wiffle cheer going in KC!

- Since it’s Father’s Day weekend, you want to make a donation in honor of your own Dad or granddad who either served our country or loved to Wiffle— or both!

- If you’re my Mom and Dad and you just want to support me even though I’m a 46 year-old grown adult playing a child’s game but you’re just thrilled that I eventually moved out of your basement and will do anything for your little “Danny.”



* In addition to supporting other great KC charities!

Dan Deeble

Me Taking Jaime Bluma Deep

The picture is a little grainy, primarily due to bat speed and the ball’s exit velo. He had a neck brace on by our third time through the order.

Dan Deeble