During the coronavirus outbreak, we don’t recommend skipping showers. Personal hygiene and hand washing are of the utmost importance right now.
So, we will not ask you to stop showering. Your health and safety are our first priorities. But, fear not! There are many other options for meaningful participation.
If none of the below alternatives work for you, it's okay to fundraise without modifying your bathing rituals! However, we do encourage you to be mindful of overall water usage during the campaign, to help put you in the shoes of the people you are working to help.
There’s almost nothing easier than a good old fashioned sponge bath! It’s easy -- get your favorite shower sponge or washcloth and get to work.
A 4-minute shower is all you need, right? If you can’t skip showers (we get it), just taking shorter and fewer showers in general still makes an impact. Remember, Shower Strike is all about spreading awareness of water scarcity!
This one is pretty self-explanatory, but going for a swim is a great option to replace a shower during Shower Strike.
- Turn off the sink when you’re brushing your teeth and don’t let water run while you’re waiting for it to get warm.
Roughly two gallons of water flow from a faucet each minute (on average) — meaning you can save about three to four gallons of water per day by simply turning off the water while brushing your teeth. Follow suit by turning off the tap while doing other daily tasks such as shaving and scrubbing dishes. These simple adjustments add up in the long run.
- Only run your dishwasher when it’s completely full.
- If you have a lawn, water it less and only as absolutely needed
- Toilet etiquette: If you live alone, have your own bathroom, or are very comfortable with the people you live with, follow the “if it’s yellow let it mellow” rule.
We always love hearing how people use alternative methods to bathe and conserve water. If you're particularly proud of your method, don't be shy, share it with us!