5th Annual Run/Walk - Celebrating 120 Years of Mentoring

We are very excited to have the opportunity to run/walk with you in person this fall. Bigs & Littles NYC Mentoring is implementing guidelines to prioritize the safety and well being of participants and staff, based on guidance from local, state and federal authorities, and the Center for Disease control regarding COVID-19. 

2022 Run/Walk Guidelines and Expectations for Participation:

- We welcome all fully vaccinated participants to join us at our post-run reception, to be held indoors at 137 East 2nd Street.

- Do not participate if you are feeling sick or ill, and or have a fever, or if you are unvaccinated and have been in contact with someone unrecovered from COVID-19.

- Persons from high-risk groups for COVID-19 complications should consult their physician before participating.