5th Annual Run/Walk - Celebrating 120 Years of Mentoring

Frequently Asked Questions

Where will the race begin?

The race will begin at East River Greenway at E. 41st Street (enter at FDR Dr & E 37th Street) at 10:30AM  We ask that you get there a few minutes earlier and tag us @bigslittlesnyc if you take any great photos! 

Is there a minimum amount of fundraising I must do?

 No! There is no fundraising minimum you have to reach, but we do find most participants easily raise over $200 and we know you can too. We provide you with the tools to make fundraising easy, at whatever goal you’d like to set yourself up (your own web page, sample emails, social media integration, fundraising tips, etc). Don't worry; we've got your back.

When is the registration deadline?

We get it, some people are late to everything. That is why we do not have a registration deadline, so even if you forget to register early, feel free to register on race day!

I am a mentor, can my little run as well?

Yes! Please make sure they register for the run, and contact Jessica Castillo at jcastillo@bigslittlesnyc.org for an additional waiver for our kids. 

How does this race support Bigs & Littles NYC Mentoring? 

100% of the funds raised will help fund our programs so we can continue to match a child with a caring mentor and support more families in need!