Anna Kelles

Anna Kelles

Women Swimmin' for Hospicare is a community event that raises money for Hospicare & Palliative Care Services.

I have been participating in the women swimmin event since 2011 and have loved every single minute of it. Hospicare & Palliative Care Services of Tompkins County, every moment it has been open, has given peace, comfort, relief, and grace to people receiving their services. Every single dollar raised from Women Swimmin goes to direct care, which fills me with awe and gratitude. I swim because I don’t want a single person in our community to walk alone through the final journey of their lives. This year is a unique one for me because I will be going into my own scary unknown 5 days before the swim. After a long journey with an auto-immune disease called Ehlors-Danlos Syndrome that has lead to spinal degeneration I will be getting spinal surgery. I’ve managed to forgo it for decades but it’s time. I will be ok through my journey but most importantly my unique experience has nurtured my empathy and made me who I am and for that I’m grateful. So this will be the first year in 12 years that I won’t be swimming across the lake with my fellow swimmin sisters. I’m a bit sad about it but the truth is the swim isn’t about me. This event is about swimmers, boaters, volunteers, and families coming together and raising funds for one of the best organizations in our community. So I am still raising all the funds I can and I hope you will join me and support my fundraising effort to reach my goal for Hospicare.  And no worries, I’ll still get my swim on and my miles in during my physical therapy and recovery!

Thank you beautiful community!

Anna Kelles