Caroline Hecht

Caroline Hecht

Women Swimmin' for Hospicare is a community event that raises money for Hospicare & Palliative Care Services.

I'll be participating for my 5th year in Hospicare's Women Swimmin' fundraiser. Since I'm not a lake swimmer, I'll be doing the "Go the Distance" option. I wanted to come up with a clever exercise gimmick, but failing that, I thought about my overall health, which is basically fine, but could always be a little better. The recommendation is always Plan A: "exercise at least 30 minutes a day, include strength training, eat lots of vegetables". It's never Plan B: "sit in front of your computer at least 30 minutes a day and eat lots of ice cream". So there you have it. I'll attempt Plan A (while not abandoning Plan B).

I like to participate in honor of my Mom, who benefited greatly from Hospice care at the end of her life several years ago. That was in New York City, but since I live here, I am supporting Hospicare in Ithaca.

The funds raised have a huge impact on the resources available to Hospicare to provide compassionate end-of-life care and help Hospicare to:

  • Provide vital medications to ease pain and manage symptoms
  • Provide specialized medical equipment so patients can stay in their own homes
  • Train more volunteers to deliver complementary therapies to enhance comfort and peace
  • Offer additional grief counseling sessions
  • Continue to provide intensive round-the-clock care at the Hospicare residence for patients who need more care than they can receive in their own homes.

If you can, please join me in supporting their work by making a donation on my fundraising page - you’ll find a "Donate" link at the top of the page. I hope you'll consider making a gift.

Wishing you good health and happiness,

Caroline Hecht