Ellen Morris-Knower

Ellen Morris-Knower

Women Swimmin' for Hospicare is a community event that raises money for Hospicare & Palliative Care Services.

Wow, 2023 is moving right along, I’m 59, still swimming strong, and thinking about how lucky and graced I’ve been to be in Ithaca these last 25+ years, on the shores of Gayogohó aka Cayuga Lake. It is a thrilling blessing to swim for Hospicare with several hundred other women, with another couple of hundred volunteers directing, guiding, entertaining, paddling around us swimmers. This community has raised my children, supported my business, nourished my family and friends with the finest of foods, and best of all, encouraged me to acknowledge all these gifts with simple gratitude.

I thank you for supporting Hospicare by sharing in my joy of the swimming. Funny to think that I’m asking you to donate so I can have fun, but some have told me that they really don’t like swimming across the lake – really? Who could NOT want to swim? – and that I’m doing them the favor.  I’ll take it!

As you likely know, the funds raised through Women Swimmin' provide critical end of life support and care for patients and their families. The funds cover everything from pain medications to grief counseling. The money raised through Women Swimmin’ also allows Hospicare to provide intensive round-the-clock care at their residence for patients who need more care than they can receive in their own homes.

In each of the four years I’ve been swimming across the lake the awareness of the gifts of the work of Hospicare has deepened in me. As Hospicare cares for their patients and their families and friends, all of us in the Tompkins community are touched in the ripples.

If you are able, please join me in supporting their work by making a donation at the link below.

Thanks so much for your consideration!

Ellen Morris-Knower