Kristina Park

Kristina Park

Women Swimmin' for Hospicare is a community event that raises money for Hospicare & Palliative Care Services.

Friends and Family...20 years!!!

I cannot believe that it has been 20 years since Women Swimmin for Hospicare started!!  It is my family's 19th year of having someone from Ellen's Angels (in memory of my mom) swim in this amazing event.  You all have been incredibly supporters of me and my family over these years, and I deeply appreciate your kindness, support and generosity.  If you are interested in "going the distance" with us for one more year, please donate to this amazing cause and my fundraising link is below.  

The swim will be back at Cayuga Lake (1.2 miles) this year!  This cause remains very important to me and my family, and my sister and I, along with our dear friends (Alison, Molly, sisters and daughters/sisters-in-laws) are back this year and training up to support the people that need some of the most critical care of their lives right now through hospice.  We will swim with nearly 500 other women that day, aged 18 – 83, to raise over $500,000 for Hospicare.

By making a pledge on my behalf, you are supporting Hospicare’s mission to bring medical expertise and compassionate, respectful care to people and their loved ones at any stage of a life-threatening illness, and to provide information and education about advanced illness, dying, and bereavement to the entire community. 

Please help me reach that goal with your pledge. Your donation is tax deductible. The funds I raise will provide medical expertise and emotional, spiritual and practical support to patients and their families. Your donation to Women Swimmin' will help make this important end-of-life care available to anyone in Tompkins or Cortland counties who needs it--regardless of their ability to pay. 

Thank you so much for all your support! I wish you and all your family and friends a safe and healthy rest of 2023.

With love and appreciation,

Kristina Park

Ellen's Angels!

Family and friends about to "Go The Distance" for Hospicare!

Kristina Park