Sarah Kam

Sarah Kam

Women Swimmin' for Hospicare is a community event that raises money for Hospicare & Palliative Care Services.

I first came to Cayuga Lake in 2016 when I was invited by a new friend, Andrejs Ozolins, to come down and test ride a folding bicycle I was interested in. Riding to the Farmer's Market along Cayuga Lake was one of our first hangouts we had. When Andrejs cancer returned, he still planned a bike tour through the Finger Lakes for my friends and I to complete. In 2019, he died in his home surrounded by love and support. 

I think a lot about death and what makes a good death. I think Andrejs had a good death. His acceptance of it, his communication of it, the way his home was set up to still support his increasing needs, the people he surrounded himself with, the team that took care of him, even the way and space we've been allowed to grieve. 

It was Andrejs' wife, Diana Ozolins, who told me about Women Swimmin'. Swimming has taken over the place bicycles once had in my heart. This swim will be significant for me to be connected to Cayuga Lake in a new way, to remember Andrejs, and to support the folks at Hospicare to do the great work that they do. 

I hope you can consider supporting me in this cause. 

Sarah Kam

3 Dip Swim Challenge (2023)

Sarah Kam