Taylor Callis

Taylor Callis

Women Swimmin' for Hospicare is a community event that raises money for Hospicare & Palliative Care Services.

I will be Going the Distance this year in support of Women Swimmin'! I learned about Women Swimmin' through the book "365 Things to Do in Ithaca" and knew I had to get involved at some point during my time at Ithaca College. I interned last year in the communications team, and I am back again as an event assistant!

I participate for family, for my sister, and for Hospicare staff. I wish to honor my family members that have passed peacefully with the help of hospice workers and resources. Seeing my sister's journey to become a nurse, learning more about my family's experience with hospice, and seeing how impactful hospice work is by working at Hospicare inspires me to get further involved with the event.

I will be going the distance by doing a variety of activities. Once a week, I will commit to either walking a trail, making good progress on reading a book, or completing a craft. I just graduated from IC, so I want to truly explore the Ithaca area. Additionally, I traditionally have a hard time finishing what I start in regards to my Hobbies. This season, I want to grow as an individual as I work towards a cause I care about.

I hope to post updates on my journey -- keep your eyes peeled! In the meantime, consider donating to my page to help raise funds that support Hospicare to:

  • ​Provide vital medications to ease pain and manage symptoms
  • Provide specialized medical equipment so patients can stay in their own homes
  • Train more volunteers to deliver complementary therapies to enhance comfort and peace
  • Offer grief counseling sessions
  • Continue to provide intensive round-the-clock care at the Hospicare residence for patients who need more care than they can receive in their own homes.

If you can, please join me in supporting Hospicare. Let's make a splash this sumer!

Taylor Callis

Sunrise on the Lake at the 2022 Swim!

As we set up for WS 2022, I got to watch the support boaters assemble as the sun rose. It was a special moment shared with my team as I geared up to work my first Women Swimmin' :-)

Taylor Callis