Tracy Cary

Tracy Cary

Women Swimmin' for Hospicare is a community event that raises money for Hospicare & Palliative Care Services.

I plan to participate in Women Swimmin' this year to support Hospicare, which is a vital resource in our community.  I have had friends and family members who have passed away and Hospicare was there, providing skilled, compassionate, timely assistance at such a tender and personal time for both the patients and their loved ones.  What would we do without them?  They were there for my father-in-law, uncle, and my grandfather along with their partners who supported them.  The hospicare nurses have such a gift.  Cindy Clark (Rebecca Clark's mom) comes to mind for me - she has been so dedicated in this capacity and has done so with grace and skill. 

For me, this important cause is tied to the activity where I like to push my limits.  It's where I gain strength and confidence while feeling free and relaxed at the same time.  I am drawn to the water, especially the finger lakes which have been a big part of my life since the age of 8.  To be able to set a personal goal to swim across Cayuga Lake and do it with my great friend Debbi K, all my awesome swimmer friends that I have been training with over the years, and a great supporter like Kat Burton who has dedicated so much time to this important cause is so exciting!

If you can, please join me in supporting their work by making a donation on my fundraising page - you’ll find a link below. I hope you'll consider making a gift. 

Wishing you good health and happiness,


Tracy Cary