Vivian Molina

Vivian Molina

Women Swimmin' for Hospicare is a community event that raises money for Hospicare & Palliative Care Services.

This 20th year of Women Swimmin for Hospicare is more than a milestone.  It is a repeat performance of a group show of concern for others. It is a repeat performance demonstrating the power of a few to do wonderful things.  As a recent participant in this beautiful event, I don't know how much the generosity of others has helped 325 women raise each year over 20 years.  Whatever the figure, my greatest joy is that every penny goes directly to providing loving care at the most difficult time individuals and families face. Isn't that wonderful!  Donations move from us to the actual families who benefit from Hospicare because the community funds all associated costs for the swim. The $587,000 that you collectively helped raise last year actually went to acts of incredible kindness.  The $3251.23 that you helped me raise went directly to needed end-of-life care. That fact simply thrills me and makes anything I do to swim for Hospicare worth my effort. 

I hope that you will again join me to collectively assist Hospicare families. Knowing that, will give me the absolute happiness I get from doing this simple act. 

Vivian Ramirez Molina
Vivian Molina