How your support makes a difference.
The Source's HIV Department helps hundreds of people in Tulare, Kings and Fresno Counties and with your help we'll serve many more.
-Proceeds from AIDS Walk Visalia directly fund services for People Living with HIV/AIDS and help our communities combat new HIV transmissions.
-The HIV Prevention + Supportive Services Department at The Source use these funds to offer many services including:
Nutritional Services
Non-Medical Case Management
Emergency Financial Assistance
Provider Training
Community Education
HIV Testing
and More...
-From the newly diagnosed, to our aging population of People Living with HIV, many within our community struggle to stay in care on a fixed income.
-The money you help us raise will insure that The Source is able to continue these programs and services.
-Your involvement in fundraisers such as this one make it possible for us to extend a greater standard of care to an underserved community in need.