Below are a list of our most frequently asked questions. If you still have a question not answered on this list, please contact Johanna at
Select the REGISTER button on the home page or under the navigation menu option Get Involved. You will be prompted to register with an email or a social media account.
Follow the registration steps, and submit your information. You will immediately receive an email confirmation with the details of your registration ("B" Activity, and if applicable, date, time, location), as well as an email with the your fundraising profile link.
Didn't get the email? Check your spam before contacting BBBS!
Yes, when registering yourself, you have the option to complete additional registrations. Scenarios where this might apply could be registering your spouse/partner, child(ren), or if you are a Big participating with your Little.
Please note, if you choose to register anyone on their behalf (i.e. a spouse), that person will not receive their own profile and fundraising link unless you enter an email per person. If you are fundraising together towards a collective goal, no email per person is necessary. This is mostly seen when children are registered by a parent, and most children do not have emails and will not be asking for donations.
Example: Sally and her husband Pete want to fundraise on 1 profile under Sally's name. Their collective fundraising goal should be $150 ($75/person x2) and Sally can register Pete's information for their "B" Adventure. Sally should share her fundraising link with Pete so he can send out information to collect donations as well. Just as the email confirmation shows 2 registrations completed, BBBS will know that 2 people have registered under 1 profile too- there is no need to contact BBBS to let us know.
The short answer is NO. You want each of your teammates to have their own individual fundraising page to customize and direct donors to as they try to reach their own goal. As a Team, you will be grouped together, and can set a collective Team $ Goal, but each person will also have their own individual goal that contributes to the Team's goal.
The designated Team Captain should register FIRST and determine the Team's Name. The Team Captain will be able to send out an invitation link to join the team, or a teammate can visit the website and search for the Team's Name during the registration process and add themselves.
A Team is a group of 4-6 individuals who want to set a group fundraising goal and participate in their Bowling Activity together! A Team can be a family, a group of friends, colleagues, a business group, or a combination of any of these! Teams are the people you want to work with to fundraise, and ultimately celebrate with for the Bowling Adventure.
Sign into your Participant Center, found in the navigation menu. Select Manage My Page and choose the "Individual Participant" section. From here, you can choose to switch and join a team. When you select this option, you can join an existing team by searching for their name OR you can make your own team. Doing so would put you in charge of making up a Team Name, and give you the option to send out an invite link to possible Teammates to join you.
Yes! When registering yourself, you can enter additional registrations for the activity and if applicable, the date/time/location. This is when you would enter your Little's name. As a courtesy, please let your Match Support Specialist know that you are going to be participating in BFKS.
Not at all! We have a sponsor who makes it possible for all of the Littles in our program to participate in BFKS at no cost. As a Big in our program, we do encourage you to fundraise for yourself. It is easier than you think! As a part of our program, just share why you decided to be a Big and watch the donations roll in!
Sign into your Participant Center, found in the navigation menu. Select Manage My Page and choose the "Raise at least $___" section. This is your donation goal you set during registration and where you can 1) Make donations to yourself; 2) Send out mass communications through email or social media to ask for donations with our default messaging; 3) Thank your donors; and 4) Enter in cash/checks from in-person donations given to you but want reflected on your fundraising page towards your overall goal.
If a BFKS participant did not send you the direct fundraising link to donate to their page, you have probably tried searching them by their name in the Donate Search Box. The system will find someone only by the name they registered with, so make sure to try nicknames or abbreviations they may commonly use.
You can also find a participant by their Team Name, if they are part of a Team.
If you cannot find the person, please contact the BBBS office, or make a general donation and note the person's name in the optional text box. We will be able to connect the donation to them afterwards, when we have figured out the mystery of their registered name!
The fundraising platform has a Point System built into its' features. For certain fundraising actions, you get activity points automatically added on to your profile. Points can be earned not only through donations, but also by sharing a social media post, posting a video, or hosting your own fundraiser.
The Points System is not required participation, but for specific actions, you will accumulate them either way. The Top Points is not completely reflective of the Top Fundraiser, and BBBS will have prizes for Top Point Earners.
You can view your ranking and points under the Manage My Page menu in the "Dashboard" section, or by searching the site's Leader Boards.