Turkey and Thirty supporting Connecticut Foodshare
Connecticut Foodshare

Connecticut Foodshare’s annual Turkey and Thirty campaign kicks off on November 4. We will continue with our annual tradition of raising food and funds to provide Thanksgiving meals and to fight hunger year-round. In an effort to keep everyone safe, this year’s campaign will look a little different. Here are some updates:

  • We welcome donations of frozen turkeys and nonperishable foods at our warehouses in Bloomfield, Bridgeport, and Wallingford. Several drives across the state will also provide fun and convenient opportunities to share the spirit of Thanksgiving by donating food and funds. 

  • If you can’t attend a food drive or bring a turkey to our warehouse, there are easy ways to make a financial donation to Connecticut Foodshare to support the purchase of a turkey (or more!) for a neighbor in need. Your monetary gift will help us achieve our goal; to provide thousands of families with the food they need on Thanksgiving and beyond. 

  • By sharing this news with your network, you can double or triple your impact for this year’s Turkey and Thirty campaign! 

The demand for food assistance has increased significantly during the pandemic, so your support now is critical. Connecticut Foodshare expects that we'll need to distribute more than 50,000 turkeys this year. Please support our efforts today by donating .