No one should go hungry! I get to see, firsthand, thru my work at HOH how funds raised truly help support those experiencing food insecurity
Despite being a country of abundance and mass waste, food insecurity continues to be a REAL-LIFE PROBLEM for so many people, especially those who are still trying to recover from this pandemic (I see it, firsthand, EVERY SINGLE DAY in my line of work).
Though we all come from different walks of life, the need for food to survive unites us all. Food is not a "luxury"- it is a basic survival necessity and NO ONE should ever have to go hungry or choose between making rent, paying for a life-saving medication, funding their utilities, or putting food on the table. For those who cannot afford even the basics, food should be made available, free of charge, and fundraisers, like Connecticut Foodshare's "Walk Against Hunger", help to ensure funds are used responsibly to help keep food on the table for CT's most vulnerable populations.Why am I walking this year, and have walked for several years, in the Walk Against Hunger? I walk to support eradicating hunger in our community, and to show that this is still a real problem that needs community support to help eliminate. I am especially walking in honor of those who are unable to support themselves - the children who may go to bed hungry because of situations outside of their control. If you donate to support me in the Walk, 100% of funds-raised (not a portion, which is an AMAZING change from last year) through our Hands On Hartford Friends and Family page will go directly to support Hands On Hartford's hunger relief efforts!
I know, firsthand, from working at Hands On Hartford for the past almost 2 years, that HOH utilizes the funds in a responsible way, providing nourishment to our Hartford neighbors via an active community food pantry, which serves 650+ families a month, an ever-growing day center program that resides in our Gather55 pay-what-you-can-restaurant, which serves affordable and free meals to between 100-250 individuals Monday-Thursday, and a thriving weekend Backpack Nutrition program, which provides breakfast, lunch and healthy snacks for 225+ children every week! 100% of the funds I raise will go toward supporting our Community Food Pantry and Backpack Nutrition program, both vital services to our Hartford neighbors experiencing food insecurity.
If this cause moves you too, I would greatly appreciate ANY SUPPORT through any financial contribution you can afford. Just as no one-person is insignificant, so too is no donation too small. Even if everyone contributes $10, that will add up quickly to reach my goal of $1,000.
You're also welcome to join us for Walk day , but if you can't be there in person, (it's always so much fun, so I hope you can), then each step I take on May 20th will be uplifted by your support and I will be sure to take you with me, in spirit, in remembrance of our Hartford neighbors in need.
Thank you for your time!
With love and light,
ps. I'll also be sure to give you a nice big shoutout on my social media page to show my gratitude!