Coachella Valley Wildflower Festival


So ... there is no one-day in-person event this year?

No, at this point a gathering of that size is just not a safe choice for our Friends. You should feel free to gather with your pod/bubble and enjoy the 30x30x30, Nature and Scavenger hunts together. We want everyone to be safe so we can all be together in Palm Desert next year! 


Do I do 30 miles every day or one mile a day?

You have the entire month of March to meet your goal, whenever you want to and at your own pace. Some may do 30 miles in one day, others may enjoy a simple mile a day plan. Reporting your 30x30x30 miles is on the honor system.

How to Log Your Activity Miles

  1. Sign into your page: (replace first-last with your name)
  2. Click “Manage my page”
  3. Click “Record Fitness Activity” 
  4. Default Goal: 30 miles (You may increase this!)
  5. Activity Title: (Your choice here)
  6. Activity Type: (Run, Hike or Walk)
  7. Distance: Miles (on the honor system!) 
  8. Activity Time: Add Time 
  9. Describe Your Activity: Optional
  10. Click SAVE and you’re done! 

How do I get others to donate?

We’re so glad you’re willing to participate – and we hope you’ll get others to donate in honor of your achievement. Each 30x30x30 participant will have a fundraising page [it happens automatically when you register], and can also choose to form a team or join an existing one. You’ll be able to share that page via email & social media quite easily. Be creative when it comes to getting the word out!

How to Share Your Page on Social 

Sign into your page: (replace first-last with your name)

Click on socials icons on the left side of the and you will be directed to sign into your social account. You then can create a post OR click on email [letter icon]. You can enter email addresses here, separate them by commas and hit SEND.

Where do I send my donors?

Send them directly to your page via the unique link at the top - you can also share from the page using email addresses, texts, or social media. 

Can people donate cash or checks?

YES! Checks can be made out to you, and along with cash donations, you can enter them on your 30x30x30 fundraising page. Anonymous sponsors can make checks out to you. Do not mail cash.

How to Enter Cash & Check Donations Offline 

  1. Sign into your page: (replace first-last with your name)
  2. Click “Manage my page”
  3. Click “Raise at least $100”  
  4. Click “Enter Checks/Cash”  
  5. Complete including the checkboxes for whether the donor wants their name/amount to show on our website (we need their info & consent)
  6. Click SAVE