07:30 AM Ride with Kelli

About 07:30 AM Ride with Kelli

Join your YMCA friends at the Ransburg YMCA as we host our 7th annual Cycle-a-Thon along with all the Y's in Greater Indianapolis.

​Info about Kelli

I began working at Ransburg YMCA as a PiYo Instructor in the Spring of 2012, and became NETA Certified as a Personal Trainer later that Summer. I added the Fort Benjamin Harrison YMCA to my work schedule in 2014, where I also began teaching Turbokick. Late Fall 2016 I became Certified as a Les Mills BodyPump Instructor. A year later I discontinued my employment at the Fort Ben Y to focus solely on growing my business at Ransburg. I continued with Personal Training through the years, but decided I needed to expand my knowledge so I achieved another Personal Training Certification, this time through NASM, August of 2022. My Cycle journey officially began June 2022 when I took over the Cycle Class of an Instructor who had moved out of state. Although I had actively participated in the Cycle-A-Thon the prior 4 years, I was unsure if I could commit to a 45-minute weekly class. Turns out it was a needed change in my life, and the decision to start teaching Cycle was a good one. I love my Cycle Class!