EVE Gives Justice supporting EVE, Inc.
EVE, Inc.

How Your Support Makes a Difference

Last year, there were 55,862 reported incidents of domestic violence in the state of Michigan. 

55 of those incidents resulted in fatalities.

48% of domestic violence organizations across the United States were unable to provide legal advocacy or representation to survivors.

EVE was able to provide 1,571 personal protection orders and 243 survivors with legal services. However, our staff attorney is completely booked with clients for the foreseeable future and unable to take on any new clients.

Carlson, Harris, & Holden found that the number of women reporting physical violence before and after the protective order decreased by nearly two-thirds,from 68% of women to only 23%.

How many more survivors could we protect if we were able to provide more legal service and representation by incorporating a second staff attorney?

Will you help us?


About End Violent Encounters

Founded in 1977, the Council Against Domestic Assault (CADA) began with a group of concerned community members who wanted to help support their family, friends, and neighbors. The Council Against Domestic Assault grew to include Lansing's first domestic violence shelter and supportive services for survivors and their children. In recent years, CADA changed its name to EVE (End Violent Encounters) to reflect EVE's comprehensive services to survivors.

Today, End Violent Encounters has grown to provide supportive services such as advocacy, medical advocacy, counseling, legal services, crisis intervention, children's programs and community education to survivors of many forms of violence including domestic, sexual, stalking, and elder abuse.

Thank you to our Sponsors

EVE (End Violent Encounters) relies on the generosity of volunteers donors and area businesses and organizations to empower survivors of domestic and sexual violence. 

With your help we continue our mission to end domestic and sexual violence within our community. Your donations will allow us to fund a second staff attorney to help survivors with civil matters such as landlord tenet issues, child custody, and divorce.

All too often the court system is a place of re-victimization for survivors. They are forced to see their abuser time and time again while also reliving the abuse. Abusers also attempt to manipulate the court system to discredit the survivor and prolong court cases in hopes of financially draining the survivor. Don't let survivors go at it alone! Help us provide someone who can help navigate the legal system and stand up for survivors rights!

Each time someone in our community stands with a survivor- we give hope. Hope that they can thrive in spite of past violence. Hope that a better future is possible. Hope- because they are believed and they are not alone.