Hats on for Healthcare 2025

Calling all schools!!! This year the Windsor Spitfires are teaming up with Hats On For Healthcare! For 16 years, the Spitfires have been huge advocates for the Windsor Regional Hospital and have helped participants raise more than $650,000 for programs, life-saving equipment and services!

Register your School Team by March 1st and your team could be entered to WIN a team prize pack to see the Windsor Spitfires play at WFCU Arena on March 6th! Be sure to include your school's N\name in your registered team's name online and everyone who is registered by March 1st will win!

But.... there's more!

The School Team that raises the most money for Hats On For Healthcare, will win a special team celebration with food, prizes and..... special guests from the Windsor Spitfires in attendance!  This celebration will be coordinated with your school to be presented on site Thursday, April 3, 2025!

School Team Early Bird Draw and Top Fundraising School Challenge Contest:

1. Eligible school teams must be elementary, junior high and high schools.

2. School team names must include the name of the school in the team's name. 

3. To qualify for the Early Bird Registration Draw, schools must register by March 1, 2025.

4. School teams can fundraise online and offline or in person cash donations, but all donations must be recorded online by March 31, 2025.

5. The school team that raised the most donations, will receive a school visit on Thursday, April 3, 2025.  To be coordinated with the school administration and Windsor Spitfires association.

6. The winning school will receive $300 in pizza gift cards or a delivery of the equivalent amount to the school on their scheduled day.  The school can decide if they would like their lunch to occur on their Windsor Spitfire celebration day or at a later date.

If you’re wondering where to start for your fundraising events, here are some ideas!

Hot Lunch

Provide students and staff with the opportunity to donate money and receive a hot lunch of grilled cheese, pancakes, pasta, and more!

Noodles and DoodlesHost a pasta lunch or dinner event where students can “auction” of artwork they’ve​created to support Hats on For Healthcare.

Mario Kart Tournament
Host an all inclusive Mario Kart tournament during lunch or recess. Have teams of two donate a set amount to participate and compete against their fellow students to become the Grand Prix winner!

Students are given a pledge sheet to ask family members, or other people in the community, if they are willing to support them by donating a set amount of money for every book they finish in the month of March.

Grade Wars
Have a teacher represent a particular grade and take a picture wearing their craziest hat. Then display these images in a safe location for students to donate money into their grade’s slot in order to win a prize at the end for having the most money raised. Prizes could include bleachers at the next assembly, an extra recess or free activity period, or a free dress down day.

Trivia Event
Sell tickets to a trivia or quiz event on a topic of your choosing (make sure to include a crazy fact about headwear in your topic!) You can also choose to sell small snack items like popcorn or candy bags.