A woman wearing antlers and a red nose sips hot chocolate from a red mug. A crowd wears red hats in the background.

The Hot Chocolate

When the Hot Chocolate Run began in 2004, we knew we wanted to serve REAL hot chocolate–the good stuff, made with just milk, cocoa, sugar and vanilla. We expected a few hundred participants our first year. Jen and John, the event’s founders, got up early that morning and made about 40 gallons of hot chocolate in big pots in their kitchen. No problem!

Many years later, we've continued making homemade hot chocolate for 6,000+ participants, with the help of several incredible local businesses.

This year we are also proud to offer a limited quantity of non-dairy hot chocolate made with oat milk! Look for the 🌿signs at hot chocolate distribution. 

Tart Baking Co. LogoSince the very first Hot Chocolate Run in 2004, Tart Baking Co. has generously donated all of the high-quality cocoa, sugar and vanilla for the hot chocolate. This year, Tart will contribute all the cocoa, vanilla and sugar we'll need for our hot chocolate. 
Tart Baking Co. Logo

We are again working with our friends at the Western Massachusetts Food Processing Center at the Franklin County Community Development Corporation to produce the hot chocolate. We're grateful for this partnership with an organization that is so focused on local ingredients and economic development.
Our generous friends at HP Hood are once again providing the 400 gallons of milk needed to make enough delicious hot chocolate for the event! 


We are so very grateful to Tart, the Franklin County Community Development Corporation, and Hood. Please join us in thanking them for their incredible support.