Hike for Hope

Frequently Asked Questions

Where does the hike take place?

Del Valle Regional Park in Livermore, California. Arrive at the Main Entrance Kiosk. Staging grounds are the Fiesta Grande Picnic Area.

Where do I park?

Your registration confirmation email included a link to download an event parking permit. Print that permit and bring it with you — mobile screenshots cannot be accepted. (If you forgot and you're already en route to the event, don't worry. We'll have a few extra permits on hand.) Event signage at the park entrance will direct you to our staging grounds at the Fiesta Grande Picnic Area, where there are two large parking lots.

ADA Parking?

Five ADA parking spots are reserved at the Fiesta Grande lot, right next to the event check-in area.

Wheelchair/stroller accessibility?

The staging grounds are on a flat grass/dirt area. The short walk to the trail starting point is also on grass. The 2.6-mile out-and-back route is fairly flat with some soft inclines. Ground material is paved in some sections and packed dirt in others. Click here to view the trail map.

Where is the trail map?

Click here to view the routes.

Can I bring my dog?

Well-behaved dogs on leash are welcome. Be sure to check the appropriate box on your parking permit if you are bringing your dog. A link to download and print your parking permit is included in your registration confirmation email.

How do I get my event T-shirt?

If you register by April 14, you will receive an invitation for early bird T-shirt pickup in advance of the event. This is the best way to ensure you receive your preferred shirt size. For those who sign up after April 14, a limited quantity of shirts in various sizes are available on a first come, first served basis at the park on event day. Shirts are provided as a courtesy and to promote the community spirit of this event; we cannot guarantee availability. 

Can I make a donation to support the event without actually participating in the hike?

Sure! Scroll up this page and look for the yellow button that says Make a Donation. Thank you!

How do I join a team if I have already registered as a single hiker?

Log in, then select "Manage My Page" from the pull-down menu under your name. Next, click "Individual Participant" on the left navigation menu. Click "Participate as Part of Team" and search for team name.​ Watch a how-to video.

Are there a minimum and maximum number of people who can form a team?

A team can form with two or more people. There is no maximum. This video explains how to join an existing team or create a new team.

I need help with this website. 

You may send an email or call us at (925) 829-8770 on weekdays, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; ask for SheryAnne or Kendra.