Voice and Vino 2024 supporting LifeSpan Resources

A transplant from Iowa, living in Floyds Knobs, Randy is a Certified Orthotist (someone who fabricates and designs orthotic equipment). He is married to his wife Jennifer, who he met while they were both working at the Mayo Clinic. Together they have two children, a son and a daughter and one grandson. Like many, Randy started singing harmony in church with his brothers and sisters (he is one of seven) where his mom was the church organist.
Randy’s hobbies are music, singing, and woodworking. He is currently in a duo and also in a band called the Joann Bellanova Band- playing 50% Hispanic and 50% American music.
Randy’s favorite wine is a nice Zinfandel and is excited to be a part of raising awareness and money for LifeSpan Resources and the services they offer.
Donna has been singing since she was around four years old with her first performance appearing with her parents’ band. Born in Bloomington, her family was in the restaurant business, so Donna moved around a lot attending school in Madison and Green County. Following high school Donna attended Indiana University under a music and voice scholarship. She has two sons and upon moving to this area worked in the Social Security Administration, where she retired and then started her own business helping people with their Social Security. During that time, she performed with the band Grand Slam, and upon her second retirement, Donna continued to be busy with her music. She currently performs with the Prime-Time Band, the band of choice for the Senior Games, and as a Duo with Randy that calls themselves- Senior Class.
Like Randy, she is excited to perform at this year's Voice and Vino.