Never Walk Alone 5K Walk/Run + Kids Dash supporting PrairieCare Fund

Come together at Phalen Park on June 10th at 8am for a 5K Walk/Run + Kids Dash!
Why are we hosting this event?! We've all heard the saying about walking a mile in someone else's shoes before judging them. Before we judge someone else, we need to understand everyone has a personal journey that is often traveled alone.
Even if we walk a mile in someone else's shoes, you will never really know their true story, journey, or what it's like to be them. We must try to understand, accept, and foster a relationship with each other. Love them for being them, their true authentic selves. By doing this, you are showing another that they never have to walk alone. That there is support and love along their journey and often times in their darkest hours.
Let's walk together in solidarity to raise awareness, critical funds, and shed light on the stigma surrounding mental illness. Gather your family, friends, coworkers, and fur-babies and help reach our fundraising goal of $60,000+, and show everyone they will Never Walk Alone.