Donation Questions

Fundraising is an integral part of your experience and the funds raised are vital to our mission at the Riverdale Y.

Fundraising FAQs

Do I have to fundraise to be able to participate?   

No, you are not required to fundraise to participate in the event. But, you’ll only be eligible to receive special prizes if you succeed in fundraising.

I want to register my children so they can participate in the fundraising activities but they don’t have email addresses.

All registered fundraisers need to have a unique email address to have an account in our fundraising tool. You can add a +1, +2, +n to your email address (e.g. to simulate a unique email address by our system and any email sent to any version of your email will be sent to the same account.

My company will match my donation, what do I do?

Most companies have a process you need to complete to get your donation matched, and they will confirm your donation was received by contacting us. Talk to your HR department to identify your company’s requirements. We will verify all donations and credit them to your fundraising when they are received. Contact your company’s Matching Gift program coordinator for more information on how to get your gift matched today.

Can I transfer a donation that I received to another participant or team?

Yes, contact us at to request the donation be credited to another fundraiser or team.

Are donations tax deductible and what is your tax ID?

Yes, all donations are tax deductible. Our EIN is #13-1740507.

I received a donation in the form of a check or cash, what do I do with it?

Mail donations of checks or cash to Riverdale Y, 5625 Arlington Avenue, Bronx, NY 10471

Who should checks be made payable to?

Please make checks payable to Riverdale Y. Please include the participant’s name in the memo section of the check to ensure that donations are credited to your account.

How do I receive a receipt?

All donations made online will receive an automated receipt upon the completion of the transaction. All donations received in the form of a check that includes the donor’s name and address will receive a receipt in the mail within 60 days.

Are the donations I solicit or give refundable if I am unable to participate?

All donations are non-refundable. We are happy to move them to another participant or team.

My donor or I selected “Anonymous” when donating but now would like the donation to show. What do I do?

Contact us at and we can make the adjustment for you.

I received a notification that a donation was made on my behalf, but I don’t see it on my fundraising page. How can I fix this?

Please contact