Sole To Soul is a 10-day Step-A-Thon for kids, adults, families, corporate teams - really anyone! - to stay connected, active, and having fun while helping millions of children around the world, including right here in Canada.
We are challenging you to step an average of 10km per day totalling 100km!
Our goal is to raise a dollar for every step taken during the event. Have your friends, family, or company sponsor you to help us achieve this goal. We're awarding one point for every step of support whether that is distance, donations, social media shares, or supporting participating local businesses. Prizes will be available!
Register today and get a head start through donation and social media points.
It's what we do for 11.2 million children each year.
Right To Play harnesses one of the most powerful and fundamental forces in every child’s life, the power of play. Our programs protect, educate, and empower children to heal from the harsh realities of war and abuse, to change their behavior and protect themselves from disease, to go to school, graduate and create a better future.
Here in Canada we work with children and families in Indigenous communities who experience limited access to health services and mental health programs compared to their non-Indigenous peers.
The past year has caused social isolation for everyone, but its impact is just one example of things that are not felt equally. For the children we work with, such challenges only deepen mental health and well-being impacts.
Our mission is to protect, educate and empower children to rise above adversity using the power of play. Different types of play give children the opportunity to learn different things. Inside the classroom, games help children to actively engage in their lessons, enhancing their learning. Outside of the classroom, they play through performance, music or dance to gain critical life skills.
Help the children we work with take steps towards a safer and stronger future by taking steps of your own. Your support will help us keep children safe and healthy, learning, and mentally resilient.
Now more than ever, Right To Play needs the help of fundraisers and donors to ensure continued funding for critical programming to protect, educate, and empower 11.2 million children on a daily basis. Funds raised through Sole to Soul will ensure that programs can continue here in Canada and around the world.