(A Strava account is required to track the activity that will make you eligible to win prizes.)

Part 1:

  • Go to www.strava.com and create a free account (no payment or subscription required)
  • Connect the device of your choice to your account (Apple Watch, FitBit, etc.) ***This is not required. You can still participate by downloading the Strava app; when you want to take a walk/run, you can select "record workout" to begin and end. You will do this each time you walk or run***

Part 2:

  • ​Access your fundraising page on https://p2p.onecause.com/stepupforvalley by hovering your mouse over your name/image on the top right-hand corner of the page
  • In the drop-down menu, select "Manage My Page"
  • On the left-hand side of the page, select the following:  

  • Then, you will see an orange button prompting you to link your Strava account:

  • Select this option, and enter the log-in information that you have from Part 1

  • Your account should now be linked. During the week of July 17th, Strava will automatically record and upload your activity. You can confirm this if you see the following message: