2023 Strikes for Stronger Families Bowl-a-thon

Fundraising Tips



That’s right…ask! Ask personally, ask directly, and ask repeatedly. People who receive a group email or see a Facebook post are a lot less likely to donate than people who get a personalized, individual request from you by email, by phone, or in person.

Ask for a specific amount

Your fundraising page has some suggested donation amounts built in. But when you’re reaching out to people personally, it helps to let them know what you’re asking for specifically. Suggest an amount that you think is right for them – $15, $30, or more!

Choose a communication method that works.

Asking for donations is easier if you pick a method you are comfortable with. But keep in mind that email is the most effective tool. Facebook posts and tweets are likely to get passed by, because they are directed to such a big audience.

So get personal! Email your potential donors individually with a short note telling them why NVFS and SERVE matter to you, why you’re supporting the organization, and why they should join you. Reach out by phone, and talk to people in person!

Get personal

Here’s one of our best fundraising tips: Make it personal! Update your fundraising page with your story. Tell your donors why NVFS and SERVE are important to you, and people will want to support you! You’re more likely to raise more money if you update your photo and/or change the text to something more personal.

Make a donation to your own page

Donors are more likely to give if they see that you’ve made your own commitment to NVFS and SERVE – even if it’s just a few dollars. When you ask people to give, you can tell them “I’ve made my own contribution because this cause is so important. Will you join me?”

Do you work for a generous company?
Ask if your company will match raised funds. Many companies will gives funds or sponsor causes their employees care about.

Plan a fundraiser
Get your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors together for some fun! This could be a happy hour event, trivia or game night, bake sale, cookout,

Thank your donors

Be sure to let your donors know how much their support means to you. Hand-written notes never go out of style, and personalized emails and public Facebook shout-outs are great, too! Be sure to send a final thank-you after the event, letting people know what you accomplished thanks to their help.

Your goal is achievable – just break it down!

Let’s say your goal is $100. That might seem like a lot, but when you break it up into smaller donations, it will be easy to reach. Ask three family members to sponsor you for $25 each. Ask a few friends to donate $10. Ask three neighbors, housemates, or coworkers to give $15 each.

You did it! Thank everyone for their support, and consider raising your goal to motivate others people to give!