Ultimate Athlete

Dream On 3 exists to enrich the lives of kids with life-altering conditions by making their sports dreams come true. Our programming uses the unifying principles of sports and the power of teamwork to bring hope, love, and joy to our dreamers.  In the process, these programs have become a catalyst for positive, systematic change in the communities we serve.

Our impact starts with participant fundraising. By participating in the Ultimate Dream Challenge, you are all set to become a fundraiser for Dream On 3! There is no fundraising minimum, but every little bit counts!

To help make your fundraising experience even better, we've assembled these materials just for you! Here, you can find everything from fundraising tips to information sheets for you to download and distribute to friends and family. If you would like additional fundraising support, reach out to us at marybeth@dreamon3.org.

Enjoy and happy fundraising!

The Team at Dream On 3

*For a tutorial on how to use your fundraising page, please click HERE

​Tell Your Story

The most inspiring part of your fundraising campaign is you. Make your fundraising personal by sharing why you want to make dreams come true. Feel free to CLICK HERE and share your favorite video from our YouTube channel. 

You can also share pictures from a dream to help tell your story and show the joy that comes from these dreams! Take a peek at some of our favorites HERE and feel free to download and share them to your page! 

Spread The Word

Helping to make dreams come true starts by sharing your campaign page with family and friends. The more people you ask, the more money you will raise. Start with a small group to get momentum, and then spread the word to everyone you know. 


Email is the most effective way to start your fundraising. The more personal the message, the more likely people are to donate. Share your story with direct links to your fundraising page so they can support your page.

Email tip: Include your fundraising goal or a suggested donation amount in your fundraising emails to encourage donors to give.


Social Media

Social media is another great way to share your story and kick start your fundraising campaign. Remember, each post only reaches a portion of your friends, so it's important to post regularly throughout your campaign to reach everyone. Mix up your posts so they don't feel repetitive. Share pictures and videos of different dreams and dream kid stories, updates on your fundraising, and general information about Dream On 3.

Follow Up

While most people plan to donate to your fundraiser, some will forget. We all get distracted, and your potential donors are no exception. Regular campaign updates are a great way to remind people about something they intended to do anyway. Updates also keep your donors engaged on your dream journey. Send a follow-up email or post an update to share your fundraising progress, and let people know there is still time to give.

Follow-Up Tip: Use a combination of email and social media to share progress and engage people with your story. 

Say Thanks

Let your donors know their support matters. The best time to thank your donors is twice — once digitally when they donate and then again by sending them a hand-written note of gratitude. Share your fundraising success with the people that helped you get there. 

Program Information

To help you in your fundraising efforts, we have created a few one-pagers about Dream On 3 and the programs that we offer. The overview and the Dream Experience pages are the best places to start, especially if you are just introducing your friends and family to the organization. The additional one-pagers are great for people who want to learn more! You can find these pages under the Dream On 3 Programs tab at the top of the Ultimate Dream Challenge home page.