Family Promise Hike for Hope: 30th Anniversary Supports Family Promise of Bergen County

Since 1993, the Hike for Hope, formerly known as Bike Bergen or the Hike or Bike, has brought families, congregations, community organizations, school and youth groups, and individuals of all ages together to bring awareness to family homelessness and raise funds for Family Promise of Bergen County's life-changing programs. Participants complete a three-mile walk through the heart of Ridgewood, beginning and ending at Van Neste Square. Afterwards, Hikers will enjoy activities, giveaways, snacks, music, games, contests, and more! Prizes will be awarded in various categories.
By being a part of the 2023 Hike for Hope, you will support Family Promise of Bergen County’s mission to empower working families who are experiencing homelessness or are at-risk of housing instability to become permanently self-sufficient and break the cycle of poverty for themselves and future generations. Proceeds from the event will provide temporary housing and wrap-around services which include personalized case management, job training/educational advancement, financial education, empowerment workshops, childcare, transportation, meals to those who are food insecure, and more.
Ready, Set, Go! Here's how to get started:
Register as a Team or as an Individual
Sign up here and follow the steps to complete registration. You can form your own team, join an existing one, or just sign-up as an individual.
Personalize Your Fundraising Page
Add a picture, link your social media, and tell the world why supporting Family Promise is important to you.
Start Fundraising!
Ask your friends and family to donate to your Hike for Hope campaign by sharing your fundraising page via text, email, and social media, or even recruit them to join your team—the more people involved, the more parents and children we can help. You'll be able to keep track of you or your team's progress and how it measures up to other participants on our Leaderboards. Prizes will be awarded to the top fundraisers after returning from our walk on the day of the event!
Complete Online Challenges
Earn points and connect with other Hikers by participating in online activities, such as taking quizzes, creating videos, posting pictures, and more. The individual Hiker that earns the most activity points by 10 AM on May 7th will win a prize.
Join Us for the 3-Mile Hike for Hope
Grab your team and join us at Van Neste Square in Ridgewood on Sunday, May 7th to embark on our three-mile march through town. Hikers will enjoy activities, giveaways, snacks, music, games, contests, and more before and after the walk. Prizes will be awarded in various categories.
In partnership with Sustainable Ridgewood, this is a plastic bottle free event. We ask that all Hikers PLEASE bring a reusable water bottle to the Hike for Hope. Water stations for refills will be available to participants at Van Neste Square as well as on the route.
Registration Fees:
Adults & Kids 12 and up: $30 per person
Kids ages 6-11: $15 per person
Children 5 and under: Free
Interested in becoming a 2023 Hike for Hope sponsor? To learn about our sponsorship opportunities, please contact Amy Ebeling at
Family Promise of Bergen County's vision is a community where every working family has a stable home and the means to create a better life. Our mission is to empower working families with children who are experiencing homelessness to become permanently self-sufficient by providing temporary shelter, housing stabilization, and wrap-around support. Services include: personalized case management, financial education, job training, empowerment workshops, transportation, childcare, and more. We also address hunger through the nightly Walk-In Dinner Program, which since 1991, has served more than 1.3 million meals to our neighbors in need.
All funds raised through the Hike for Hope will directly benefit Family Promise's programs that help families permanently break the cycle of homelessness for themselves and future generations.
To learn more about Family Promise of Bergen County, please visit