Hope 100 Golf Marathon

Dan McLennon

Dan McLennon

Hope Hospice is committed to supporting patients and their loved ones with exceptional care, compassion, and dignity.


The annual Hope Hospice 100 Holes Golf Marathon is happening on October 23, 2023.

Friends and family are invited to support my personal challenge to complete 100 holes of golf in one day and raise funds for Hope Hospice (yes, figure 10 hours for about five, two-hour, 18-hole rounds).  In past years, 30 or so committed golfers and their supporters have raised over $150,000 in a day for Hope Hospice. 

Following a mountain biking accident of May 27, 2023, with my dear friend Joel (recovering well), I am now confident that my injured left shoulder will hold up for me to complete my 8th (9th?) Hope 100 Golf Marathon, a fundraiser for one of my favorite charities, Hope Hospice!  

Will you join me in this challenge?

Dan McLennon

Thank you sponsors!

Dan McLennon