Hope 100 Golf Marathon

Hope 100 Golf Marathon Rules

Each player drives their own cart.  We play in twosomes.  Ten holes per hour is your target to finish 100 holes by 5 p.m.

Although the score is not of primary importance today, we will award prizes related to your score for finishing all 100 holes.  Therefore, scorecards are being provided for you to turn in.  All scores are “individual.” Your final score will be the total of the best you score on each hole throughout the day (gross and with handicaps) for an 18-hole total (e.g. if your best score on each hole is par, your final score is 72).

As a charity golf marathon, all players commit to raising a minimum $2,500 for Hope Hospice.  Please complete your fundraising by October 21. Or, if you prefer, you may pledge payments over the coming months, please reach out to the Philanthropy Department at (925) 829-8770.

Prizes will be awarded for the longest ladies and men's drive on the first hole, closest to the pin on all four par threes (Holes 4, 6, 11 & 14) and one par 4 (17) hole as well as for low net and low gross scores.

Play extremely READY golf: No practice swings. Just get up to your ball and hit. Traditional course etiquette still applies.

Carts will be switched out during the day as needed. 

Pace of Play

Allow only seven minutes on average to complete each hole.  You may want to set a phone alarm every two hours to judge your pace of play.  (You should be completing 18 holes every two hours).

If you are falling behind, an event marshal or representative may ask you speed up play or pick up and move on to the next hole. You may still complete 100 holes of golf even if you are asked to skip a hole.

Please allow a maximum of “double bogie” per hole.

There are no lost ball penalties.  Do not search for lost balls!  If you don’t drive right up to it, simply drop a ball near where you expected it to be and play on without any penalty.

There are no “Out of Bounds” penalties. If you hit a ball OB, simply drop a ball within two club lengths of where the ball went OB and play on without penalty.

There are no Water Hazard penalties. If you hit a ball in the water hazard, simply drop a ball within two club lengths of where the ball went into the hazard and play on without penalty.

Do not pull the flag sticks.

No more than two putts per green.

No need to rake sand, repair divots nor ball marks.  Volunteer marshals will do this for us.