1. How much is registration? $25 per person to be a participant in the challenge.

2. Are children free? Yes, children are free to register, 18 and younger.

3. Do I have do be on a team? No, you can register as an individual.

4. How do I enter my miles? You can enter your miles manually from your page or you can download the STRAVA APP. Download the free STRAVA App today! Then remember to connect your STRAVA account with your OneCause page on the event start date on December 1st.  ​

5. Does OneCause have an App for my phone? No, OneCause does not have an App. We strongly recommend bookmarking the event site to your phone for easy access.

6. How is my walk or run measured? Walks and runs are measured in miles. One mile = One point. 

*(Please remember this is a STEP/WALK/RUN challenge. Please log miles that you step, walk or run only. (Cycling, swimming, spin, gardening, weightlifting, etc NOT INCLUDED)*

7. Where can I view the leaderboards? Click on the leaderboards tab on the main event page. You can view all the participants and view the individual and team leaderboards for both fundraising and activities. 

8. How are team miles calculated? Teams are measured in total miles, not average. 

9. I am part of the medical staff at UC San Diego Health. Can my family members and/or friends join my nursing unit team? Absolutely! The more the merrier!

10. I am not a UC San Diego Health employee. Can I form my own team? Yes! Anyone can form a team! 

11. Are event tee shirts being sold? Yes, please contact Maura Caffrey at for information. They are $25. 

​12. Who can I contact with questions? Please email any questions to Maura Caffrey at

13. How many participants need to be on a team? We encourage at least 10 or more participants for each team. At the completion of the challenge, the average miles of each team will be calculated and shared.

14. Can I donate by sending a check? Yes! Please send all check donations to: 

Make checks payable to: The UCSD Foundation Fund 3661

In the memo line state: “MFM Step Challenge” or “GIST Fund 3661” 

Mailing Address: 

ATTN: Nikisha Belt

University of California San Diego, Health Sciences

9500 Gilman Drive #0940

La Jolla, CA 92093-0940


If you are experiencing any connection issues with STRAVA, please enter your miles manually on your personal event page. In addition, you can add photos of your walks and runs to show off your miles. All manual entry/tracking is based off the honor system. We want to see all the hard work you are doing! ​

Thank you and let's get moving!