A Guide to Fundraising Success

Whether you are a first-time fundraiser, or a seasoned veteran you can rally your network to support your fundraising goal and the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation's mission to fund critical research for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) cures and improved patient programs.

Tips to Kickstart your Fundraising: 

  • Set a fundraising goal. 

  • Share your personalized fundraising link on social media and via text with your network to ask for support. 
  • Make a personal donation to your fundraiser to potentially increase your the total raised for IBD cures by an average of 7X! 

  • Don't be afraid to ask for support. With millions of people affected by IBD, you never know who will have a connection and want to support your goal. You just have to ask. 

Five Easy Steps to Raise $100 

  1. Text, email, or ask 10 people to donate $10 each! 
  2. Donate $25 towards your personal fundraising goal and invite 3 friends to match your gift.
  3. Ask five friends to donate $20.
  4. Post on social media and ask your network to donate any amount to help you reach your goal.
  5. Bring in pastries to work and ask for a donation in exchange for a treat.

Getting Started: 

Fundraising Resources:

Additional Resources: