Sleepless supporting United Way Elgin Middlesex

Why we're pulling an all-nighter for United Way
Hunger, mental health, intimate partner violence and social isolation aren’t just big city problems. In the county, these issues may be harder to see, or look a little different, but we still need to work together to address them.
Now, issues like hunger, social isolation, intimate partner violence and mental health, need to become part of the conversation too. COVID-19 has amplified these issues and, as leaders in our community, it’s important we learn more to take a stand.
The stronger the sense of connection—local people working together—the more resilient the community. You can help Middlesex recover and become stronger when you make a donation or pledge a participant.
That’s the power of community.
Local issues in Middlesex County:
• Affordable housing is housing, owned or rented, that is adequate for the household and does not exceed 30% of household income. Families who spend over 50% of income on rent are at risk of homelessness
• Children living in poverty have lower literacy scores and less access to after-school programs
• 1 in 5 Canadians live with a mental illness and only 1 in 5 children and youth in need of mental health support actually receive it
• CMHA has seen a 43% increase in calls to The Support Line since the pandemic started, many from seniors who don’t have supports in the community and call every day just to talk to someone