Indy Tech Gives 2024

Raise $250 in a Week Challenge!

Day 1: Kickstart your fundraising by making a self-donation of $20. It will inspire others to give!

Day 2: Call two of your extended family members – aunts & uncles, grandparents, cousins – and ask them to each match your $20 donation. Now, you’re up to $60!

Day 3: Record a short video about why you are fundraising and post it on social media, along with the link to your fundraising page. If three people give $20 each, you’ve doubled your total to $120!

Day 4: Send an email to family and friends with your fundraising link. Ask them to help you hit your fundraising goal. If three of them give $10 each, you’re already to $150 – just $100 more to go!

Day 5: Text the link to your 5 best friends to ask them to each make a $10 donation. Now you’re up to $200 – so close!

Day 6: Check out your charity’s social media to find content that stands out to you, then share it on your social pages along with your fundraising link. If two more people give $15 each, you’re up to $230!

Day 7: Video chat with your favorite family member or friend and ask for that final $20 donation. Then, they can help you celebrate when you hit your $250 goal!