Bigs & Littles NYC 5K Virtual Run/Walk

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I get when I register?

When you register, you will receive a comprehensive training plan created by Coach Sam Tooley - an online endurance coach based out of New Jersey, where he owns a string of gyms under the Alpha Performance & Alpha Fit Club banner. You can find him on Instagram at @coach.samtooley. In addition, you will get access to a quick yoga video from Justin Ifill, @mysticmochayogi so you can stretch before and after walking or running and find your center!

Where can I run/walk?

Anywhere! This is your virtual run/walk, and we want you to complete it wherever you want. Sidewalks, paths, treadmill- make this race your own! Just make sure you are using Trackster to to easily track your distance.  We just ask that you tag us @bigslittlesnyc so we can see these great photos! 

Is there a minimum amount of fundraising I must do?

 No! There is no fundraising minimum you have to reach, but we do find most participants easily raise over $200 and we know you can too. We provide you with the tools to make fundraising easy, at whatever goal you’d like to set yourself up (your own web page, sample emails, social media integration, fundraising tips, etc). Don't worry; we've got your back.

When is the registration deadline?

We get it, some people are late to everything. That is why we do not have a registration deadline, so even if you forget to register early, feel free to register on race day!

When do I need to complete my run?

We ask you submit and complete your run on Meets on Trackster between August 15-16th. 

When do I track and submit my distance and time?

Trackster users can connect and run with Garmin, Polar, Apple Watch and iPhone devices to create training posts. Then, users can create a new entry for their race, attach their newly created training post (which includes the virtual race 5k effort as GPS data) to their race entry and submit it. Training posts can also be created with manual information for distance & time without including any GPS data. So, users join the virtual meet on Trackster, go run (& track with GPS) and finally submit a new meet entry.

Learn more:

How do I sign up for Trackster?

By using the link in your registration email, it will automatically sign you up for Trackster after your register. Users will automatically join the Bigs & Littles Virtual Meet, Plan, and Team. After signing up, download the iOS or Andriod app for Trackster to post training & create meet/team entires.

I am a mentor, can my little run as well?

Yes! Please make sure they register for the run, and contact Jessica Castillo at for an additional waiver for our kids. 

How does this race support Bigs & Littles NYC Mentoring? 

100% of the funds raised will help fund our programs so we can continue to match a child with a caring mentor and support more families in need!