Chefs Cycle 2024 Supporting the No Kid Hungry Campaign

"If not us, who? If not now, when?"-Hillel
In case I needed a reason:
In Colorado alone 1 in 10 children will face hunger this year which means almost 130,000 children will go to bed hungry, not knowing if there will be food tomorrow.
Since 2020 grants through No Kid Hungry has provided over 21 million meals to hungry children in Colorado.
I rode Chefs Cycle to benefit No Kid Hungry in solitude in 2021, as COVID-19 prevented us from gathering to ride as a community; 115 miles on a sometimes sunny, sometimes stormy Colorado summer's day. And while the purpose of the ride, the mission to end childhood hunger in America, pushed me up through the foothills of the Rockies and across the rain drenched rolling hills south of Denver, I realized how while fighting for a cause is inspiring, it is vital to feel part of a something greater than yourself.
So I return this year, to ride 300 miles in 3 days as part of the community of chefs and other culinary professionals leading the fight to end the tragic situation of children in America going hungry for even one day. We all cook for others first as an act of love, nourishment, hospitality and knowing that is always more fulfilling to give, rather than receive.
Should you share these feelings then I respectfully ask for your support through a donation to my ride pledge, that we may work to know a day when all American children never know a day without food.
See you on the road.
To learn more about Chefs Cycle, visit To learn more about the No Kid Hungry campaign, visit
Beautiful Sunday getting in a few miles preparing for the Chef's Cycle in May.