Chefs Cycle 2024 Supporting the No Kid Hungry Campaign

Money can't buy happiness, but giving it away can.
Why I Ride...
I grew up in what most would consider a small town in middle America. Shortly before entering middle school my parents divorced and for that first year my mother’s income qualified our family for the “free” school lunch program. All my friends carried meal tickets that had been purchased by their parents and of course we all sat at the same table in the cafeteria together. When it was our table’s turn to enter the lunch line, we assembled at the beginning of the serving area in no particular order until one of the lunch ladies pulled me aside and showed me a list of students on the free lunch program. My name was on it. She quietly informed me that those students were required to eat last and moving forward I would need to take a place at the very end of the line—behind all of my friends! I was mortified. If I had to eat last every day, I would soon have to explain it to everyone at my table and that was NOT an option. I went home that afternoon determined to find a solution. I would say that I didn’t like the cafeteria food (which was partially true) and start packing my own lunch each day, which I diligently did for the remainder of that school year. Now I would look cool—an elite diner (which my mother still considers me to this day).
While I didn’t grow up food insecure, no child should have to deal with any form of food anxiety, at any age. On May 7th, 8th and 9th, I’ll be biking 300 miles in Santa Rosa, Calif., as part of the 2024 Chefs Cycle for No Kid Hungry ride. I am using my strengths to raise awareness and vital funds to help end childhood hunger in America, and I hope you support me and my ambitious goals by donating to my ride.
Your donation allows us to partner with and support extraordinary leaders across the country through grants that buy critical equipment, guidance that launches meal programs, advocacy that cuts through red tape, and so much more to feed hungry kids.