Gratitude All Day

Gina Low

Hi, I’m Gina!  My journey with Gratitude began in 2016.  There was a pivotal moment for me – an Aha about Gratitude – while I was helping to care for my dying father. That very difficult time was such a precious gift to me. Somehow, ironically, I knew I was more grateful than I had ever been, and maybe even more than I’ll ever be again.  That experience changed me forever, in so many unexpected ways.

I began writing about this new awareness in a blog, and opened a facebook community soon after.  #GratiudeGains was an effort to share my own “thankfuls”, and create momentum for collective Gratitude across the globe (much like TGS). I invited them, and they invited theirs, and this community of grateful souls began to shine their own light…constantly creating and spreading beautiful reflections of positivity.

Since then, I’ve written and published two Gratitude Journals – one for the beginner learning to build a habit, and one for the more seasoned journaler who might wish to infuse Gratitude into their self-awareness and intentional living.

I strongly believe in the power of numbers helping to build a global movement, and I’m so grateful for the invitation to join forces with The Gratitude Spark.  When something free, simple, shareable, and renewable is scientifically proven to increase the overall Health and Happiness of the world, I feel a personal responsibility to spread that stuff like confetti!

Check out The Gratitude Spark HERE