Fundraise to ensure families in our community have reliable access to nutritious food. Inspire at least five people to donate $20.21 each. It's easy to create a fundraising page and even easier for your network to make donations.
New to fundraising? Need tips to reach your goal? Need help recruiting your team? We are here to help. This page is filled with some great ideas, steps to help you be successful. Below are three easy steps to get you started and remember to aim high and you could be one of our top fundraisers!
Step 1) Make It Personal: Personalize your fundraising page, where friends, family, and co-workers can sponsor you online, after you log in to your page you can:
Share your personal reasons for participating in the HIKE for HOPE Challenge by editing the text on your page.
Create or change your custom URL that links directly to your fundraising page.
Upload your own images or videos.
Set or change your fundraising goal.
Step 2) Talk it Up: Now that you have a your own fundraising page, share the link with everyone you know and ask them to sponsor you for HIKE for HOPE. Don’t be afraid to follow up or send reminders, and remember to thank your donors! You can share the link by:
Sending an email through your page - the link is automatically included in all messages you send and there are templates to choose from and customize!
Connecting your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn accounts to your page to post outreach messages to all your social media contacts.
Copying and pasting your custom URL into your fundraising outreach emails directly.
Step 3) Take the Challenge: Get ready for HIKE for HOPE by reviewing important Weekend Activity information. During the weekend of HIKE for HOPE, you can:
Call our Event office, AJ Events and find out how to turn in or mail any cash or check donations you have received. Your Page will be automatically updated with that amount.
Post a photo or video for one or each Challenge on social media to earn extra points.
The people most likely to give are those who have given before. Go back to our previous supporters and let them know the impact of their past donation(s). Keep your supporters updated on your progress and follow up after HIKE for HOPE. Thank your supporters… and then thank them again.
Request Materials: Does your team want to learn more about how their fundraising is making an impact to those living with food insecurity in the Merrimack Valley? Contact AJ Events at or call 617-267-2244.
Set Your Target and Request: Setting up your fundraising page will increase your chance to reach your goal. A successful fundraising page includes a personal picture along with a personal message talking about why the walk is important to you. Including tangible outcomes, such as “A donation of $100 provides 20 MEALS to Guests in our Lazarus House Soup Kitchen.", are effective.
Post On Social Media Gain Momentum: Leverage your social media networks to maintain momentum. Thanking people for their contributions, posting pictures/videos of thanks and your previous participation, asking friends to share/re-post your ask and seeking more donations is pretty effective.
$2,000 provides ONE WEEK of housing, meals and advocacy at the Shelter for a single mom and 2 kids.
$1,000 provides ONE NIGHT of Shelter and Meals for 35 vulnerable Guests on a frigid night in our winter overnight emergency shelter.
$500 provides FOR ONE SINGLE MOM Budget Buddies financial management program - setting her up for self sufficiency and success.
$250 provides NUTRITIOUS, BALANCED MEALS for ONE child for ONE month!
$100 provides 25 MEALS to Guests in our Lazarus House Soup Kitchen.
$50 provides enough groceries at our Food Pantry for 2 families to prepare a nutritious meal for their own families.