Voice and Vino 2022 supporting LifeSpan Resources

LifeSpan Resources provides so many critical services for the community. I feel this is a wonderful opportunity to contribute to those in need.
Brian grew up and attended school in Louisville, moving to Southern Indiana after graduation. He has been in New Albany and Jeffersonville for the past 30 years. Brian attended Louisville Bible College for Bible and Christian Leadership, Indiana University Southeast for music and Ivy Tech for Paralegal Studies. His hobbies include scuba diving, gold, meditation and good times.
Brian is the Singer / Songwriter for Big Steel Train and has been for 10 years. His secondary profession is as a Public Insurance Adjuster. Brian is also a PADI certified Rescue Diver, Dive Master and Master Scuba Diver.
When it comes to listening to music, Brian is mostly a country / southern rock fan but enjoys classical music as well. He enjoys singing just about anything, making things “his own” so it stays interesting.
Brian was introduced to Motley Crue at 15, and they quickly became his favorite. At the age of 22, he was drawn into church music and began writing and touring regionally with his bands Jonah and Fivespot. Brian fronted for Hookah Juice in his 30s, then embarked on a solo career in 2012.
When asked why he agreed to perform at this year’s Voice and Vino, Brian said “LifeSpan Resources provides so many critical services for the community. I feel this is a wonderful opportunity to contribute to those in need.”